Wednesday, 6 July 2011

It's hip to be a square!

This morning our wonderful Maths group - The Squares were demonstrating how to use their Stage 5 Doubles strategy and Making Ten to work out addition equations. 

Here are some of our students explaining what they did in their group today:


To work out 8+7 I use my doubles 7+7=14+1=15 or 8+8=16-1=15

 Boston's work


We can also use our Making 10 strategy to help us when we can't use our doubles. To work out 9+7 you go 9+1=10+6=16

Daphne's book work

1 comment:

  1. Wow Room 13. I like your learning. I reckon you are all going to be super star mathematicians with work like that!
    PS Great idea Miss Breen - Way to go! :)
    xx Ms Tataurangi
