We have started to look at adding fractions with common denominators. This was new to my students so we have spent time previously making sure that we can identify fractions both shapes and sets and discussing in depth how the numerator is the number of parts whereas the denominator is the number of parts in the whole.
So we have now moved on to looking at adding basic fractions. The photos below show what my year 5 group began looking at today. We were using fractions cards and the students had to imagine (or touch the cards to imagine) that they were moving parts of one whole over to the other card. Once we understood that when we have created a whole (fraction) we write it as 1 (whole) and what ever is left over is also written.
So if we add 3/5 + 4/5 we need to take one part or piece from 3/5 and move it to 4/5 which now becomes 5/5's or 1 whole. We mustn't forget that there is still 2/5 left so our answer will be 1 (whole) & 2/5
Take a look at the video below (from youtube.com) which demonstrates how to add and subtract simple fractions with common denominators
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